Understanding Investment Management Agreements

Intro This course provides an introduction to investment management agreements focusing not only on the documentation, but what you need to know from a practical perspective in order to understand the services the investment manager is providing, as well as the relationships internally and with the client. This is an introductory course suitable for legal, compliance and business professionals working within the investment management industry who wish to have a greater understanding of the IMA process, services and documentation. Course Structure The course is provided as two video sessions filmed at Southwark Cathedral conference rooms in London. The group discussion format in the video provides useful clarification on topics throughout the session, and helps provide a well rounded and practical perspective on the content. Course Material The online course provides access to the same slide deck used by Cleveland & Co at the hosted courses. Links to other material such as model IMA Templates are also provided, so that you can follow page for page. Questions & Feedback Participants are able to ask questions and get clarification on content topics throughout the course. Once you have purchased a course, you will have the ability to send messages, questions or comments by accessing the messaging […]