We’ve joined AlgoMe as an AlgoMe Community Partner with a common goal of helping to address the challenges and opportunities facing the Investment Management Industry. Their mission is to connect the Investment Management Industry – the professionals that work in it, as well as the Asset Managers, FinTechs and other organisations that make up the wider industry ecosystem.
We’re delighted to announce that Cleveland & Co is part of the first cohort of AlgoMe Community Partners – companies that work within Investment Management and share our ethos of working together to address the challenges and opportunities facing the Industry.
Community Partners will become active participants in the Community, keeping the community up to date on their diverse areas of expertise by sharing their insights and events, and helping answer all types of questions the industry may have.
So if your looking to connect with other professionals, Asset Managers, FinTechs & other organisations that make up the industry or have a few questions , go check them out: https://bit.ly/2Hcmf3Y