
The Australian Government issued the Privacy Act Review Report 2022 (the “Report”) in February 2023 with a list of 116 proposals to reform the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the “Privacy Act”). These proposals aim to enhance personal data protection offerings to individuals with a view to a more digitalised world. The proposals, if adopted, may require companies to…

next steps

The Australian Government is currently seeking consultation on the Report which will end on 31 March 2023. Firms that collect, use, and disclose personal information should closely monitor these developments and take steps to ensure they are in compliance with any changes to personal data protection requirements. Firms should start reviewing the recommendations to understand the impact of compliance on the business, including knowing your data collection processes, controls and resourcing challenges to comply with new rules.

For more information, and any guidance or advice on how to ensure compliance with personal data protection requirements under the Australian Privacy Act, Cleveland & Co External in-house counsel™, your specialist outsourced legal team, are here to help.

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